Monday, January 12, 2009


Hi all! Sunday was not a good day. First off, I woke up with the sniffles. Later that day Lucy and I were driving home from church (Kor had already taken the boys home in the truck), when I went a bit too fast around a curve in the road and lost control of my van. We went sliding right across the oncoming lane and into a huge snowbank (about 3 feet in front of a fire hydrant-glad I didn't hit that!) We were stickity stuck :( We had to wait about an hour for Kor to get a tow rope and come to our rescue. During that hour, many lovely people pulled over to see if we were okay. Lucy and I were both SO embarassed. Every car had to slow down and gawk at us! Lucy asked if we could duck down and hide under the seats so no one would look at us! Good times. Then I got home and Brady got the stomach flu. Nasty. Despite my 'trying' times, I've kept on scrappin! Here's a bunch I've done in the last week. This first one was put on a popular website called 'gallery standouts', which is kind of a nice compliment!








1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey you! Leaving you some love here. :) Congrats on making it to the Scarlett Heels' CT - it's nice to hang out with you there too. ;)