Tuesday, February 24, 2009

my first template...

I belong to the Scrapmatters Creative Team, and each month we take turns hosting different challenges. This month I hosted a template challenge, and I created my very first template! Here is the layout I made with it:
If you would like to download this template...follow this link to the ScrapMatters blog:

Sunday, February 22, 2009

birthday girl

Last week my friends Beth and Bill brought their daughter Ruby in to my studio for some 1st b-day pictures, so I thought I would share. I was gonna just post one, but then I got carried away...so here is a little composite of some of her pictures! Brady turns one next month, so you'll be seeing more messy cake pictures soon!

I might as well post some pages I've done this week, while I'm at it!



This last page I had to make of just myself (yikes). It's called an 'all about me' page, and sometimes designers want their CT's to have a scrapped page of themselves to put on their websites...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's...

Hello everyone...been awhile...let's just get right to it!
Here is a little valentine card I made...
Here's one of Lucy from at least a year and a half ago...
Here's one of her from about 2 1/2 years ago
Mr. Brady and a teddy
another old Lucy dancing...
I think that should about do it for a few days!!! Oh, on the news today it said you are supposed to eat Salmon and Sweet Potatoes to boost up that 'romantic' feeling, so get cooking! Weird combo.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Okay, I seriously need to get off the computer. Every night for the past 3 nights I've been staying up past midnight dinkin around scrapping, then I can't fall asleep. It's 10pm now, I just took a sleeping pill...trying to force myself away from scrapping with medication now! I hope Kor doesn't find me drooling on the keyboard come morning! The main reason I've been so crazy is I was lucky enough to get on a few new CT's. I was recently asked to be on Scarletheels team, and I've just added Britt-ish Designs and a guest spot for Creashens. I realize this makes no sense to most of you-but in the scrapping world-it is pretty stinkin cool! Here are a few pages that I did this week.

This is poor Riley…lately he has been having quite the mood swings. On this particular day, I ‘looked at him too long’, so he freaked out. Being the sensitive mother that I am, I got out the camera! Hopefully I won’t cause any permanent damage.