Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Okay, I seriously need to get off the computer. Every night for the past 3 nights I've been staying up past midnight dinkin around scrapping, then I can't fall asleep. It's 10pm now, I just took a sleeping pill...trying to force myself away from scrapping with medication now! I hope Kor doesn't find me drooling on the keyboard come morning! The main reason I've been so crazy is I was lucky enough to get on a few new CT's. I was recently asked to be on Scarletheels team, and I've just added Britt-ish Designs and a guest spot for Creashens. I realize this makes no sense to most of you-but in the scrapping world-it is pretty stinkin cool! Here are a few pages that I did this week.

This is poor Riley…lately he has been having quite the mood swings. On this particular day, I ‘looked at him too long’, so he freaked out. Being the sensitive mother that I am, I got out the camera! Hopefully I won’t cause any permanent damage.

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